Learn To Speak In Public With These Tips

By | July 14, 2014

Speaking in public is not something people look forward to doing. In fact, public speaking is probably the one thing that scares the most people. Why is that the case? Well you are about to find out in the following article, and you will get great tips that help people overcome their fear of speaking in public. Read on to get educated on how to become a good public speaker.

Once you’ve memorized your speech, make sure to practice it repeatedly. Practice often so you can make adjustments if they are needed. Consider your pace and breathing. Make sure there are pauses between key points so that people can react with applause. When you can, rehearse in the actual space where you will speak.

Try to relax before and during your speech. Breathe deeply and remember that you are well-prepared, so you have nothing to worry about. Some say that it helps to envision your audience members in their underwear to help you relax. This sort of visualization can help you look and feel more relaxed while speaking.

Do not be afraid to let your audience know that you have no idea of the answer to some of their questions. People will respect your honesty and understand that you are human. This is much better than rambling on trying to convince them you know what is going on when you don’t.

When it comes to public speaking, you need to make sure you practice your speech. Practicing several times before your actual speech can make you become more comfortable with your material. Reading your speech out loud can also help you revise your speech. This is also your chance to get rid of filler words and better your pacing.

Be sure to use appropriate visual aids to make your speech more interesting. A picture or an object is worth a thousand words and can add depth and dimension to your presentation. Be creative in your choices of visual aids. Photos, paintings, sculpture, souvenirs, charts, graphs and many other types of objects can help you get your point across clearly.

Try to find humor in the situation if things do not go as planned. There are many variables when you speak in public, which means that there are many opportunities for things to go wrong. The microphone or projector may not work, there may be an interruption in power or someone may enter the room in the midst of your speech. Try to take things in stride. Taking things too seriously can result in you having a meltdown, so try to laugh off any issues that may arise.

Becoming good at public speaking is simple when you have good advice to follow. You have to start somewhere, so why not take the tips in the above article and put them to good use. At first it might be scary and difficult, but after awhile you will see how much easier it is to communicate in public if you follow these tips. Remember everything here, and study the tips again to make public speaking much easier the next time you try it.